Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing

For this week’s blog post I will be discussing another form of testing called Acceptance testing. Acceptance testing is a form of testing where a system is tested for overall acceptability. The reason for this is to see if the systems compliance with certain business requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery. The site shows a helpful diagram illustrating when you uses this testing, with Unit Testing on the bottom, Followed by Integration testing above that, System testing above that and with Acceptance on that the top of that one. The site also gives a good analogy of what it is exactly happening with the illustration. During the process of a ballpoint pen, the cap, the body, the tail and clip, the ink cartridge and the ballpoint are all produced separately, and unit tested separately. After this they are assembled and begin integration testing, with System testing following this. With of course Acceptance testing last to confirm once more that the pen is ready to function properly. Black Box Testing is the most common method used in performing Acceptance Testing. The testing does not follow any strict procedure and is not scripted but is rather ad-hoc testing. Ad-hoc testing is random testing or Monkey testing, essentially throwing stuff at a wall trying to see what sticks and what does not. You perform this testing after system testing like mentioned above in order for the system to be made available for actual use. Internal Acceptance Testing is performed by members of the organization that developed the software but who are no directly involved in the project, usually this is members of the Product Management, Sales or Customer Support. The opposite end of this is known as External Acceptance Testing where it is performed by those who are not employees of the organization that developed the said software. This is then broken up into two different fields, Customer Acceptance Testing and User Acceptance Testing. Customer Acceptance Testing is a pretty self-explanatory name where it is performed by those who purchased the software or are customers of the company that developed it. User Acceptance Testing is performed by the end users of the software, customers’

Customers essentially.

All and all this website was pretty well organized and explained everything very clearly and so forth in a manner where it made extremely simple to read and understand.

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